Florida SR22 Filing

This section of our website may help you better understand the Florida SR22 filing. Below you will find Q&A that help answer the most common questions. Please keep in mind you can always call our office or use our chat feature if you have any questions.

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Florida SR22 Insurance Filing Q&A

What is the Florida SR22 filing? – The SR22 filing is submitted to the State of Florida by your insurance carrier to insure you maintain insurance limits of $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident for bodily injury and $10,000 in property damage coverage.  

How long do I have to carry the Florida SR22 filing? – In many cases the SR22 filing must be carried for three years. You should contact the Florida D.M.V to find out exactly how long your filing is required.

How much does Florida SR22 Insurance cost? – This depends on many different factors including age, sex, insurance history, type of vehicle, location etc.

How long does it take for the Florida SR22 filing to be processed? – The Florida SR22 filing is submitted electronically to the state. Most SR22 filings are processed within 24-48 hours.  

Can I get the SR22 filing if I do not own a vehicle? – Yes, you would need a non-owners SR22 policy.  







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1650 NE 26th ST #207
Wilton Manors, FL 33305

Phone: 772-924-0854


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